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How to define functions

The definition of functions is the most important part of the \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) workflow. The compiler for \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expressions is instantiated by providing the dictionaries for the \(\psi\), \(\varphi\) and \(\sigma\) functions. This guide will show you how to instantiate these functions and how to create these dictionaries.

There are three main interfaces for creating function. For the most part they are equivalent, but differences arise when defining trainable functions, as will be explained in the following sections.

Types of functions

The three main types of functions are \(\psi\), \(\varphi\), and \(\sigma\). The \(\psi\) functions are used to transform the node labels without using edge or neighbour information. The \(\varphi\) functions are used to generate messages from a nodes neighbour, and the \(\sigma\) functions are used to aggregate these messages and update the labels of the node. These two types of functions are used in tandem in the pre-image and post-image expressions.

The \(\psi\) functions can be defined using the following classes:

  • PsiLocal: used for functions that transform individual node labels using only local (the node label itself) information without using global (the labels of all other nodes) information.
    • Constant: used for functions that transform a node label to some constant value.
    • Pi: used for projection functions that transform a node label to a projection of itself.
  • PsiNonLocal: used for functions that transform individual node labels using both local (the node label itself) and global (the labels of all other nodes) information.
  • PsiGlobal: used for functions that transform all node labels to some value obtained using only global (the labels of all other nodes) information.

The \(\varphi\) functions be defined with the Phi class and the \(\sigma\) functions can be defined with the Sigma class.


When defining functions, make sure that their output maintains the shape of the node features matrix \(X\), which is always a rank-2 tensor. Even if the nodes have one single feature, the node features matrix should never become a rank-1 tensor.


The two subclasses of PsiLocal, Constant and Pi, are meant to be used with the constructor interface only.

Constructor interface

The constructor interface consists in instantiating the functions via their constructor. Typically, this consists in passing a lambda function to the constructor of the class. A name can also be passed to the constructor to be used for model summaries.

import tensorflow as tf
from libmg import PsiLocal, Phi, Sigma

successor = PsiLocal(lambda x: x + 1)
projection_1 = Phi(lambda i, e, j: i)
aggregate_sum = Sigma(lambda m, i, n, x: tf.math.segment_sum(m, i))

We can create trainable functions using tf.keras.layers.Dense:

dense = PsiLocal(tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation='relu'))

Using the constructor interface, whenever we reference to this dense function, the same PsiLocal instance is being used, therefore there is only one set of weights being shared across all usages of this function.

Subclassing interface

The subclassing interface consists in subclassing the function classes and overriding their func method (for PsiLocal, Phi, and Sigma subclasses) or their single_graph_op and/or multiple_graph_op method (for PsiNonLocal and PsiGlobal subclasses). The model summary in this case uses the (sub)class name. The classes are not to be instantiated as this point, as the compiler will do it when needed.

import tensorflow as tf
from libmg import PsiLocal, Phi, Sigma

class Successor(PsiLocal):
    def func(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return x + 1

class Projection1(Phi):
    def func(self, src: tf.Tensor, e: tf.Tensor, tgt: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return src

class AggregateSum(Sigma):
    def func(self, m: tf.Tensor, i: tf.Tensor, n: int, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.math.segment_sum(m, i)

We can create trainable functions using tf.keras.layers.Dense:

class MyDense(PsiLocal):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation='relu')

    def func(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return self.dense(x)

Using the subclassing interface, whenever we refer to the MyDense function a new instance of the class is created, therefore a new function with its own set of weights is being used.

Make interface

The make interface consists in calling the static factory method make on the class of the function we want to create. As for the constructor interface, we will typically pass a lambda function and a name to be used in summaries. The make function does not return an instance of the class, but rather a function that returns an instance of the class. The compiler will call this function as needed to get the instance.

import tensorflow as tf
from libmg import PsiLocal, Phi, Sigma

successor = PsiLocal.make('successor', lambda x: x + 1)
projection_1 = Phi.make('projection_1', lambda i, e, j: i)
aggregate_sum = Sigma.make('aggregate_sum', lambda m, i, n, x: tf.math.segment_sum(m, i))

We can create trainable functions using tf.keras.layers.Dense:

dense = PsiLocal.make('dense', tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation='relu'))

This time, using the make interface, each instance of dense will have its own set of weights, as in the subclassing interface. This is because make regenerates any tf.keras.layer.Layer that it receives in input.

Constants and Projections

The subclasses of PsiLocal can be used to define constant and projection functions. We can define a constant function by instantiating Constant with the rank-1 Tensor we want the function to map to.

import tensorflow as tf
from libmg import Constant
zero = Constant(tf.constant([0]))
three_ones = Constant(tf.constant([1, 1, 1]))

We can define a projection function by instantiating Pi with the initial index and the final index of the projection:

from libmg import Pi
# maps every node label to its first element
first = Pi(0, 1)
# maps every node label to the sub-tensor consisting of its third and fourth element
two_to_four = Pi(2, 4)

Dictionaries of functions

We create dictionaries of functions using the standard Python dict. The keys in this dictionary will be the terms with which we can refer to our function in a \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expression. The values are the functions we have defined with either interface: class instances if we used the constructor interface, (sub)classes if we used the subclassing interface, or functions returning class instances if we used the make interface.

psi_functions = {'succ': successor, ...}
phi_functions = {'p1': projection_1, ...}
sigma_functions = {'+': aggregate_sum, ...}


The dictionary key is the string that should be used in a \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expression to refer to the corresponding function. The name argument used in the constructor interface or the make interface is just part of the layer name that is shown using model.summary().

Parametrized functions

Sometimes we might want to create many functions which all share the same basic structure except for some value that changes. For example, we might want to have not only a successor function, but also an "add two" function, and an "add three" function, and so on. For this purpose, \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) has a special syntax that allows to send a parameter from the \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expression to the function.

Let \(a\) be a function name (as specified in the dictionary). When we write the \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expression \(a[1]\) the compiler will send the string "1" as input to what is saved in the dictionary.

You can create a parametrized function using any of the constructor, subclassing or make interfaces:

  • Using the constructor interface, simply wrap your instance in a one-argument lambda: lambda y: PsiLocal(lambda x: x + int(y))
  • Using the subclassing interface, add one argument to the __init__ of the subclass
    class Add(PsiLocal):
      def __init__(self, y):
          self.y = int(y)
      def func(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
          return x + self.y
  • Using the make interface, call instead the make_parametrized method by passing in either a two-argument lambda or a curried version of it: PsiLocal.make_parametrized('add', lambda y, x: x + int(y)) or PsiLocal.make_parametrized('add', lambda y: lambda x: x + int(y))

For example, if we have bound any of these functions to the word add in the compiler, and we write the expression \(add[2]\) the compiler will generate and use a \(\psi\) function that adds 2 to the input node labels.


In \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) functions are typically written in reverse Polish notation using sequential and parallel composition. For example, to compute the sum \(+\) of the outputs of two \(\psi\) functions \(a\) and \(b\) one typically has to write

\[ (a || b) ; + \]

It is possible to instead write the same expression in Polish notation without all the boilerplate code, that is

\[ +(a, b) \]

For this purpose it is necessary to define functions with yet another interface, as operators. Three types of operators can be defined:

  • Unary operators can be defined using make_uoperator:

    from libmg import make_uoperator
    not = make_uoperator(tf.math.logical_not)
    Usage in \(\mu\mathcal{G}\), assuming the compiler was passed the \(\psi\) function dictionary {'~': not, 'a': ...}:

    \[ \sim(a) \]
  • Binary operators can be defined using make_boperator(tf.math.add is a function in exactly 2 arguments):

    import tensorflow as tf
    from libmg import make_boperator
    add = make_boperator(tf.math.add)
    Usage in \(\mu\mathcal{G}\), assuming the compiler was passed the \(\psi\) function dictionary {'+': add, 'a': ..., 'b': ...}:

    \[ +(a, b) \]
  • K-ary operators can be defined using make_koperator(tf.math.add_n is a function in \(n\) arguments):

    import tensorflow as tf
    from libmg import make_koperator
    addk = make_koperator(tf.math.add_n)
    Usage in \(\mu\mathcal{G}\), assuming the compiler was passed the \(\psi\) function dictionary {'+': addk, 'a': ..., 'b': ..., 'c': ...}:

    \[ +(a, b, c) \]

The operators attempt to automatically find their arguments given the node label, which is always a rank-1 tensor. Unary operators are applied directly to the node labels in the same way as other \(\psi\) functions. Binary operators split in half the node labels tensor, and consider the first partition as the left operand and the second partition as the right operand. K-ary operators split the node labels evenly in \(k\) slices and treat each slice as an operand.