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CTL Model Checking

In this tutorial you will create a Computation Tree Logic (CTL) model checker using libmg.

We start by defining a Dataset that contains a single Graph. For this tutorial, we will simply obtain the graph on-the-fly using the read method.

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from libmg import Dataset, Graph

class KripkeDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.atomic_propositions = {'a', 'b', 'c'}

    def read(self):
        X = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.uint8)
        A = coo_matrix(([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], ([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 1])), shape=(5, 5), dtype=np.uint8)
        return [Graph(x=X, a=A)]

dataset = KripkeDataset("MyDataset")

The node features are three-dimensional multi-hot vectors of type uint8. Each node label is a multi-hot encoding of the atomic propositions that are satisfied in the corresponding state, given a specific ordering. For this tutorial we will consider three atomic propositions \(a, b, c\) with order \(a < b < c\). For example, in the first state we have the label [1, 0, 0] which means that in that state only proposition \(a\) is satisfied. In the fourth state we have [1, 0, 1] which means that propositions \(a\) and \(c\) are satisfied; in the last state, no proposition is satisfied.

The adjacency matrix will have uint8 binary entries, and we don't have edge labels.

The dataset we have just defined and instantiated contains this graph1:


To implement CTL model checking, we need to define the basic propositional logic operators for logic truth, falsity, disjunction, conjunction and negation as \(\psi\) functions. Additionally, we need a \(\varphi\) function that just returns the label of the sender node and a \(\sigma\) function that aggregates messages using logical disjunction.

import tensorflow as tf
from libmg import Constant, PsiLocal, Phi, Sigma

# Psi functions
b_false = Constant(tf.constant(False))
b_true = Constant(tf.constant(True))
b_and = PsiLocal(lambda x: tf.math.reduce_all(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))
b_or = PsiLocal(lambda x: tf.math.reduce_any(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))
b_not = PsiLocal(tf.math.logical_not)

# Phi functions
p1 = Phi(lambda i, e, j: i)

# Sigma functions
agg_or = Sigma(lambda m, i, n, x: tf.cast(tf.math.segment_max(tf.cast(m, tf.uint8), i), tf.bool))

We still need to define functions that recognize atomic propositions. To do so, each atomic proposition \(p\) is mapped to the corresponding one-hot vector using the function to_one_hot, then using the make interface we define a PsiLocal function ap that is parametrized by the atomic proposition. If, for example, in a \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) expression we write ap[b] the atomic proposition \(b\) is mapped to the one-hot vector \((0, 1, 0)\) and then the dot product is computed with the label of the node. The result, once cast to Boolean values, is True if and only if the atomic proposition is present in the node.

def to_one_hot(label, label_set):
    label_set = sorted(label_set)
    index = label_set.index(label)
    vec = [0] * len(label_set)
    vec[index] = 1
    return tf.constant(vec, dtype=tf.uint8)

ap = PsiLocal.make_parametrized('ap', lambda p, x: tf.cast(tf.math.reduce_sum(x * to_one_hot(p, dataset.atomic_propositions), axis=1, keepdims=True), dtype=tf.bool))

We can now instantiate the MGCompiler by providing the dictionaries of functions and its configuration. In the configuration we specify the shape and type of the node labels in input and the type of the adjacency matrix.

from libmg import MGCompiler, CompilerConfig, NodeConfig

psi_functions = {'true': b_true, 'false': b_false,
                 'not': b_not, 'and': b_and,
                 'or': b_or, 'ap': ap}
sigma_functions = {'or': agg_or}
phi_functions = {'p1': p1}

config = CompilerConfig.xa_config(NodeConfig(tf.uint8, len(dataset.atomic_propositions)), tf.uint8, tolerance={})
compiler = MGCompiler(psi_functions=psi_functions,

Next, we need to define a translation function that transforms a well-formed CTL formula into a valid \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) program. To help with that we will use an external library that provides a parser for CTL formulas, pyModelChecking. We also use a var_generator function to generate fresh fixpoint variable names.

from pyModelChecking import CTL, Bool
import string
import itertools

def var_generator():
    var_length = 1
    gen = itertools.product(string.ascii_uppercase, repeat=1)
    while True:
        for v_tuple in gen:
            yield ''.join(v_tuple)
        var_length += 1
        gen = itertools.product(string.ascii_uppercase, repeat=var_length)

def to_mG(expr):
    def _to_mG(phi):
        if isinstance(phi, CTL.Bool):
            if phi == Bool(True):
                return "true"
            elif phi == Bool(False):
                return "false"
                raise ValueError("Error Parsing formula: " + phi)
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.AtomicProposition):
            return str(phi)
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.Not):
            return '(' + _to_mG(phi.subformula(0)) + ');not'
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.Or):
            sub_formulas = list(set(phi.subformulas()))
            return '(' + ' || '.join(['(' + _to_mG(sub_formula) + ')' for sub_formula in sub_formulas]) + ');or'
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.And):
            sub_formulas = list(set(phi.subformulas()))
            return '(' + ' || '.join(['(' + _to_mG(sub_formula) + ')' for sub_formula in sub_formulas]) + ');and'
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.Imply):
            return _to_mG(CTL.Or(CTL.Not(phi.subformula(0)), phi.subformula(1)))
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.E):
            sub_phi = phi.subformula(0)
            if isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.X):
                return "(" + _to_mG(sub_phi.subformula(0)) + ");|p1>or"
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.G):
                fixvar = next(fixvars)
                return "fix " + fixvar + " = true in (((" + _to_mG(sub_phi.subformula(0)) + ") || (" + fixvar + ";|p1>or));and)"
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.F):
                return _to_mG(CTL.EU(CTL.Bool(True), sub_phi.subformula(0)))
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.U):
                fixvar = next(fixvars)
                return "fix " + fixvar + " = false in (((((" + _to_mG(sub_phi.subformula(0)) + ") || (" + fixvar + ";|p1>or));and) || (" + _to_mG(sub_phi.subformula(1)) + "));or)"
        elif isinstance(phi, CTL.A):
            sub_phi = phi.subformula(0)
            if isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.X):
                return _to_mG(CTL.Not(CTL.EX(CTL.Not(sub_phi.subformula(0)))))
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.G):
                return _to_mG(CTL.Not(CTL.EU(CTL.Bool(True), CTL.Not(sub_phi.subformula(0)))))
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.F):
                return _to_mG(CTL.Not(CTL.EG(CTL.Not(sub_phi.subformula(0)))))
            elif isinstance(sub_phi, CTL.U):
                return _to_mG(CTL.Not(CTL.Or(CTL.EU(CTL.Not(sub_phi.subformula(1)),
                                                    CTL.Not(CTL.Or(sub_phi.subformula(0), sub_phi.subformula(1)))),
            raise ValueError("Error parsing formula ", phi)
    fixvars = var_generator()
    return _to_mG(CTL.Parser()(expr))

Finally, we can obtain our model by providing a CTL formula to the compiler. The property \(\neg(b \lor c) \lor EG (\neg a \land (b \lor c))\) is first translated into \(\mu\mathcal{G}\) using to_mG, and then it is compiled into a TensorFlow model.

expr = to_mG('~(b | c) | E G (~a & (b | c))')
model = compiler.compile(expr, memoize=True)

The function to_mG should have assigned ((fix A = true in ((((((a);not) || (((b) || (c));or));and) || (A;|p1>or));and)) || ((((b) || (c));or);not));or to expr. Since we enabled memoization, the term corresponding to \(b \lor c\) is computed only once, as can be seen by inspecting the model's structure using the plot_model function from TensorFlow.



We can now run the model on the dataset. We use the SingleGraphLoader to convert the graph into a list of Tensor objects and run the model using the predict API.

from libmg import SingleGraphLoader

loader = SingleGraphLoader(dataset)
outputs = model.predict(loader.load(), steps=loader.steps_per_epoch)

The expected output is [[True], [True], [True], [False], [True]] corresponding to the fact that only state \(s_3\) doesn't satisfy the property. We can also visualize this result using print_layer on the last layer:

from libmg import print_layer

inputs, = next(iter(loader.load()))
print_layer(model, inputs, layer_idx=-1, engine='pyvis')


Lastly, we can show how a certain node obtained its label. For example, node \(s_0\) has been affected only by its direct neighbours, since the fixed-point computation converged in two steps:

from libmg import MGExplainer

explainer = MGExplainer(model)
explainer.explain(0, inputs)


In this tutorial, we have learned how to implement a CTL model checker in libmg. We have seen all the main capabilities of the library, spanning the definition of datasets, the definition of functions, the compilation of a model and its execution using the loaded dataset. We have also seen how to visualize the outputs of the model and how to explain them.

  1. This graph in the context of CTL model checking is called a Kripke structure